
If this is your first time visiting – welcome! You have happened upon my unique niche on the interwebs. If you are a returning visitor – welcome back!

This blog is a personal blog wherein I write about all kinds of stuff – love, relationships, current events in my life, social issues – the list goes on. The sidebar will show you the ten most recent piecesĀ I have written.

Also on the sidebar – an opportunity to receive e-mail updates whenever I write something new! I recommend this if you enjoy my writing.

Speaking of writing, I’ll tell you upfront that brevity is not my strong suit. It seems these days that we, as a culture, are looking for the abridged version of the abridged version. How often do we arrive at an article and decide it is too long to be bothered? We move on to the next article, hoping that it is as short as possible with the most information and maybe a picture to entertain us.

Sadly, I never learned how to summarize my thoughts and feelings. It is unlikely you will find that kind of nonsense here.

What you will find, instead, is an unedited entry about how I feel about a certain topic. I use a lot of self-deprecating humor, sarcasm, and I always strive to be honest. What you are reading is the result of me sitting down and writing until I feel I am finished. There is no outline and absolutely no editing, aside from a spell check at the end. You are reading my innermost thoughts and feelings in their rawest form. It doesn’t get more real than this.

I write because it’s my creative outlet and makes me feel better. I post it publicly because that makes it real and I am forced to take responsibility for how I feel. It is my belief that we, as a species, experience all kinds of things – but sometimes we feel alone in how we feel. I choose to put it out there in the hopes that maybe someone could really use validation.

I have no credentials of any kind. I have been many things in my life, and I am many things, but a professional therapist or motivational speaker is not one of them. I have been told, numerous times, that I should be both of these things. This puzzles me – because I feel just as confused as everyone else, but maybe my perspective can help someone.

In any case, I hope you enjoy what you find. If not, I am confident there is something on the internet that you will enjoy.

One thought on “Welcome!

  1. This is the most interesting blog I have read in a long time… Hopefully I can remember your URL so that I can return when I have some more time to spend with your thoughts!

    I stumbled into your rumanations while Google searching “figure modeling blog”

    I have been a figure model in the past, but have never known someone personally who could relate to the experience, soo…. I occasionally get to know other people’s experiences through the medium of blog!

    My experiences with “older aged” art groups have been similar. They seem warmer, more comfortable, and it pulls out in me the recognition of the beauty of the human being.

    I appreciate your words greatly, to quote you: A spectacle.

    Thank you for writing :)

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